
After a weekend braving the woods in the dead of winter, we realized how cold it really gets when you are exposed and unprotected from the elements. Though unlike so many people around the world, we were able to return home to warm up. Fashion designer Bas Timmer and his business partner Alexander de Groot saw the problem of the cold and exposed homeless, and worked do do something about, creating Sheltersuit. Sheltersuit is a coat with built-in sleeping bag  – the bottom half kept in accompanying backpack – created to be wearable shelter for people living on the streets. Their goal is to produce and distribute(for free) as many Sheltersuits as the can.The Sheltersuit is wind and water resistant and made completely from materials donated to the foundation. Timmer and Groot originally made the suit out of tents leftover from festival goers. They wanted to create something durable, warm, and easy to use. The bottom half zips together with the coat to create a full sleeping bag.With the help of volunteers and (mostly Syrian) refugees, Sheltersuits are produced in Timmer's studio in the Netherlands.  Many of the refugees are professional trailers who volunteer their time to helping the Sheltersuit foundation.  Sheltersuit is in need to support, whether that be by donations, volunteers, ideas, or just spreading the word. Check out their cause here and learn more about an idea that could help solve some major humanitarian issues. 


Interview with JP Boneyard of The National Poster Retrospecticus


Firewatch Posters by Olly Moss