Glowforge 3D Laser Printer

I just want to start with a disclaimer that we are not paid or incentivised in any way to show you the products that we do; we honestly just love to pass along the awesome things we find. That being said, we HAD to share the Glowforge 3D Laser Printer with you. I don't think a piece of technology has ever blown my mind quite like this printer. This is the stuff sic-fi dreams are made of, and I can't believe I could potentially own this printer and use it in my home. Check it out. This printer is a laser printer that can print, cut, and engrave on a variety of materials from paper, leather, fabric, and cardboard, to chocolate. The possibilities are endless. It allows you to draw or render a design, and then print or cut it out to make tangible, 3D items. For the technology that it is, the price tag is actually fairly affordable at $1,995 and they are currently taking pre-orders. If anyone wants to send an elaborate gift to Brave the Woods, you now know what to get us...The following items were all printed with Glowforge:


Airplane Window Paintings


The Biggest Story, Illustrated by Invisible Creature