Virgin America Safety Video

Who actually listens to the safety procedures when they are on an airplane? I know I don't. It is the same boring thing that anyone who travels has heard a million times. Yes, I know how to put on a seatbelt. The different airlines have tried to spice things up by adding jokes and making the procedure announcement into videos, but let's face it, people still don't pay attention. Virgin America noticed this, and decided to make something that no one would be able to ignore, and the end product is brilliant.This really is a genius idea from Virgin America. They come from a musical background, and have always tried to be the "hip" airlines, so making a music video as their safety procedure announcement only makes sense for them. Not only is the video interesting, and the singing and dancing incredible, but it actually better than most music videos I have seen recently. How many airlines can say that their safety procedures video went viral as soon as it was posted? All around, a win for Virgin America.


Fall Tunes by James Heimer


Halloween Print Contest Winner: Jane Sanders