Fall Tunes by James Heimer

It is finally starting to feel somewhat like fall here in Austin. We are still getting used to not really feeling cold, but that is a good thing to have to get used to. In honor of fall, we thought we would post a screenprint we have been digging lately by illustrator James Heimer. The piece, titled "Fall Tunes" is a fun screenprint perfect for this time of year. The mixture of the record player and acorn is pretty clever, and the half tone and texture use really adds depth to the overall piece.James Heimer is a designer and illustrator based in South Philadelphia. His work has been featured in galleries all over the United Sates. His overall style is very raw and colorful with varying techniques so you can't really pinpoint one as his style. You can see more of his work here. "Fall Tunes" is for sale on his etsy shop.


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