The Magical Book of Pombo

I, like most children, grew up reading a large collection of fables and fairytales. I used to love to look at all of the pictures and imagine myself in their world. I really like when I can find books that remind of my childhood, and are nice to look at at the same time (because lets face it, not all of the books I owned as a kid where very well illustrated). "The Magical Book of Pombo" definitely falls under the nice to look at category.

"The Magical Book of Pombo" is a book illustrated by  Leo Espinosa. It is a collection of fables, famous in Columbia, written by the late poet Rafael Pombo. The book was created in 2012 as a follow up to a successful children's album also illustrated by Leo Espinosa. The colors are the first thing that drew me in, and then the variance of the illustration styles from page to page. It is fun, it is fresh and contemporary. Much of the illustrations have a mid-century vibe to them as well. I love that this is a book that both the children, and their parents will enjoy reading together. Be sure to check out more of the illustrations here.


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