A Book For Design Entrepreneurs

Though you may have already heard of the book Kern and Burn, I just ordered a copy for myself and I have to let you in on why I am so excited. But before that, if this is breaking news for you, you should know that this was all organized by Jessica Karle Heltzel and Tim Hoover. They both run the online and print publication, called Kern and Burn, that collects essays and interviews of those who are design entrepreneurs. Now they have created a book around the very subject, and it was all made possible through their Kickstarter.com campaign. Now, I am personally excited about this book because of two things: The subject matter and the contributors.The subject matter is advice on how to be an entrepreneur as a designer. It feels like that is kind of an innate thing with all designers, and it is pretty awesome. We know how to think differently, solve problems, and because of that we are curious. Curiosity can lead to great things when we are willing to take risks. But I, like many others, like to take calculated risks so I ask for a ton of advice. Which leads me to my next reason for being excited about the book.I am excited about the contributors. With an all-star cast both giving advice and illustrating the book, it is a designer's dream. To name just a few of the contributors you have Eight Hour Day, Aaron Draplin, Tad Carpenter, Christian Helms, Jessica Hische, Scotty Reifsnyder and Mikey Burton all playing a part. Oh the wisdom that can be gleaned from each of them.After this glorious review I have some high expectations for this book, so I will keep you all in the loop on my reactions to it once I have read it. Or you could just get your own version here 


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