The Biggest Story, Illustrated by Invisible Creature

One of the oldest and most retold stories of all time, has to be the Bible. To retell and illustrate these stories in a way that is fresh and interesting, but still stays true to the original meanings is a challenge in itself; a challenge writer Kevin Deyoung and the always talented Don Clark from Invisible Creature knocked out of the park with "The Biggest Story.""The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings us Back to the Garden" is a magically illustrated book that tells the exciting stories of the Bible in way that children and adults alike can relate to and understand. This project has been finished since May, but just popped up on our radar, and couldn't not be shared. Read more about how this project came about on Invisible Creature's Blog, and see more of the incredible illustration here. To purchase your own copy,  check out Amazon or Invisible Creature shop (for a signed copy with print).


Glowforge 3D Laser Printer


Beth Cavener Animal Sculptures