Beth Cavener Animal Sculptures

Personification: the attribution of human nature or character to animals, inanimateobjects, or abstract notions, especially as a rhetorical figure. Sculptor Beth Cavener is a master of personification, infusing each of her animal sculptures with the deepest human emotions. Cavener makes a habit of exploring the most uncomfortable parts of her head and using those as inspiration for the intricate and emotional sculptures that she creates. "The sculptures I create focus on human psychology, stripped of context and rationalization, and articulated through animal and human forms. On the surface, these figures are simply feral and domestic individuals suspended in a moment of tension. Beneath the surface, they embody the consequences of human fear, apathy, aggression, and misunderstanding." Watch the video embedded below for more of her process and inspiration. To see more of Cavener's work see her website.   


The Biggest Story, Illustrated by Invisible Creature


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