Tatay's Gift For Sale in the Shop

It's finally finished! After months of work, Tatay's Gift is printed, shipped out to backers, and now available for sale in the Brave Shop. For those of you who haven't been following this project, Tatay's Gift is our children's book that was published via Kickstarter. It was illustrated by Brad and written by myself (Krystal), and a portion of the proceeds go to bringing clean water to those affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. It is the story of a young Filipino boy who learns lessons about giving from working with his Tatay (dad) each day.We are so excited to now have it for sale in our shop, so if you are interested, go check it out! If you want to learn more about Tatay's Gift, you can catch up on the journey hereherehere, and here.


Butter Fingers by Jordan Scott


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