Subvisual Subway by Craig Ward

The complexity and intricate beauty of the unseen world around us is astounding. From the pattern and symmetry of a snowflake, to the organic shape and variation of bacteria, everything in nature is design. This is further proved by Craig Ward's Subvisual Subway project, "an unconventional series of portraits of the city’s complex eco-system." His photographs of the bacteria found on New York Subway lines is equally intriguing and mind baffling as it is appalling and sort of disgusting.Ward pre-cut the letter of the subway line out of sponges, and the swabbed surfaces such as hand rails. The sponges were then pressed in an agar petri dish that was left to incubate for a week. ward photographed the swabs at different stages of development, and then turned them into this photo series. The end result was fascinating pictures of one of the city's grossest ecosystem, proving that beauty can be found literally everywhere. To learn more about this project, and see the list of the disgusting bacteria identified in these photos, go here.


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