Meet Our New Illustration Rep, Agency Rush

Well it's official! UK based creative agency, Agency Rush, is now representing all Brave the Woods' illustration work. I am honored to not only be represented by such a stellar agency, but also to be a part of such a talented roster of artists. For the past couple months I had been carefully curating a list of agencies that I would want to represent my work. As I discovered new agencies, I would rank them by how bad I wanted to work with them, and how good of a fit I thought we would be. Not long after I made the list, I was lucky enough to be contacted by the top three! One of which was Agency Rush.That being said, I couldn't be more excited to be working with the Helen Rush, founder, and Emma Robertson. They have made quite a name for themselves, and the proof is in their impressive client list and artist gallery. Looking forward to seeing what projects we end up working on in the near future! 


Building Creative Confidence


California Design 1930-1965 "Living in a Modern Way"