Midnight Moon Artist Box

 Awhile back, we featured Device Creative Collaboration's packaging work on the energy drink Buck O’Hairen’s Legendary Sunshine. Seeing as how that was an energy drink made as the antidote to a moonshine hangover, it only seems fitting that they would also do the design for a moonshine box. Piedmont Distillers asked Device to make a gift box to give to the musicians of their summer concert series that featured their product Midnight Moonshine. The end result is a eel designed boredom box, filled with everything a musician backstage could need: reading materials, activity books, and plenty of moonshine with cups and all.Just like before, Device Creative Collaboration hit it out of the park with an end product that feels as authentic as interesting. The typography and attention to detail would make someone feel like they are cracking open a bootleg box of moonshine, and getting some of the history with it. From the project description: "Recipients opened a wooden, screen printed box, inspired by old moonshiner crates, to find a card welcoming them to enjoy the Midnight Moon experience. Musicians were then greeted with an overview and history of the brand, along with cocktail recipes and 'The Great Boredom Bust' activity book, designed to share details about the product and keep them entertained when the groupies weren't around. Underneath, they found three individually wrapped jars of Midnight Moon, along with branded cups for enjoying the shine."


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