Makers & Merchants Packaging

Packaging is like a book cover, and even though the phrase is "never judge a book by its cover," it's hard not to. That is why good packaging, like Makers and Merchants', is so successful; it makes you believe that whatever is on the inside of the jar or box is of as high of quality as it's "cover" suggests.Makers and Merchants hired design studio Horse to create the packaging for their food and houseware products. Their products come from artisan sources and the challenge was to fit their high standards of everything being "handpicked...sources, selected, made and crafted with some of the world's best artisans...[to] form a collection of the finest goods." That tall order led to packaging that used creative type to showcase each product uniquely, while sticking with a simple bold color palette that makes the brand cohesive and work together as whole despite in the individuality of the type on each product. This packaging really speaks for itself.


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