Kortney Collection

When I was a kid, I had more stationary sets and notebooks than one person should ever have. I had one to match every random thing I was interested in and in every color and pattern. I even had notebooks printed in a all black with for my neon gelly roll pens. I would use them to keep a journal, write notes, and send my friends and family cards. That was before email and blogs of course, so I wondered if these sets were still a thing. Luckily, a came across this project from Franklin Mill in collaboration with Kortney Greer, and learned that journal stationary sets are very much still a thing; and they are more beautiful than ever.This collection, called the Kortney Collection, was created using patterns mostly created by Salt Lake City based designer Kortney Greer. Franklin Mill, also Salt Lake City based, are the makers of Bookjigs and Miro, a brand of notebooks, bookmarks, stationary sets, magnets, and more. What drew me most to this particular collection was the beautiful printing job. I love the use of the gold and silver inks to let the pattern shine through, and the great color pallet doesn't hurt either. The whole collection is full of very organic patterns as well, like those found in nature. Check out more of the collection here, and while you do, take some time to see more of the collection Franklin Mill has to offer here.   


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