iPad Illustrations by Siggi Eggertsson

Illustrating on iPads is being taken to a whole new level. This is the second illustrator I have found in the past two weeks that has done amazing things using nothing but an iPad to create their work. (see also iPad finger paintings of Jorge Colombo) At first glance, my mind didn't even register this art as digital. The uneven edges and shapes gave it a woodblock feel almost. Siggi Eggertsson is responsible for these works titled, Channeling. It was originally exhibited at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Madrid in October 2012. He said he actually prefers drawing on the computer now, over drawing by hand. Well, I don't care what he uses, if this is the result. These prints are going to be up for sale soon as well, so stay tuned. See all the works from the exhibit here.


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