Animals: The New Picassos?

Looking at these pieces of art, you probably would never assume that an animal actually created them. Animals, especially our close relatives the primates, are much more creative beings than we give them credit for. These artworks, created by Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Orangutans, are the product of the animal's innate creativity, not coaching and training from their caretakers like the popular elephant painting videos.

"We give these chimpanzees a canvas, and they do what they're going to do. They pick their colors, they pick their tools. There's usually some sort of symmetry. There's always white space. It's really interesting to see how they do all this," Chimpa Haven communication direction Karen Allen told WIRED. This art really questions our definition of art. From looking at these paintings, I would argue that art is anything that is creatively created. In most of these cases, the animals were given canvases and paint to keep them entertained, and what they created came out to be actually pretty cool, with elements of balance, complimentary colors, unity and variety, and overall nice composition. So, is it possible to also argue that creativity is one of the most primal qualities? It is interesting to consider.

All images and information from WIRED


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iPad Illustrations by Siggi Eggertsson