Brimfield Antique Show Spoils

This weekend we headed down to Brimfield, MA for their summer antique show. If you haven't heard of it, the Brimfield Antique Show (or Grnad Trunk Show) is one of the largest antique shows/flea markets in the county, held three times a year: one week in May, July, and September. There are dealers from all over the world with some of the most unique antiques ranging from furniture, to medical equipment, to mannequins and doll body parts. We couldn't miss an opportunity to visit and look for some fun stuff to add to the house and studio.We made out like bandits, wheeling and dealing for some awesome stuff! It was definitely worth braving the bipolar New England weather, and we can't wait to get it all set up in the new studio. Check out our spoils:

  • Kodak Brownie camera
  • A 5ft tall cardboard print ad for Lunar Module Kits from a Gulf Oil station in the 60's
  • Eskimo mounted wall fan from the 50's
  • Glass telegraph insulator
  • Winchester rifle target
  • Type drawer
  • Cat's Paw sports heel (for the packaging)
  • American fruit jar lids (for the packaging)
  • Red railroad oil lamp


Patrick Leger


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