Becoming 100 Different Artists

Putting together an international art show with 100 different artists of varying styles and techniques seems like a lot of work. Too much work. It seems much easier to just invent 100 international artists and "become" them to curate and art show instead. Artists Shea Hembrey did just that. This funny video looks into his process of becoming 100 very different artists and the whole experience of changing thought processes and styles to think like these non-existent artists.This TED talk really got me thinking about "styles." So often as artists you get stuck in your particular style. People contact you for that style, you get paid to do that style, and you sometimes even get sucked into the mindset that your particular style is all you really know how to do. I wonder how freeing and enlightening it would be if at one point in a professional career you spend time "becoming" other artists, inventing new and very different style, and experimenting with art you didn't even know you were capable of doing. The whole process would be interesting, and most likely really expand your personal style and possibilities. Sometimes a style in itself is limiting, but inventing other artists is limitless. Obviously, it isn't logical for every artist to do what Hembrey did, but it is an interesting idea.Shea Hembrey's project is called Seek: The Inaugural Biennial. It is a project filled of 100 completely fictional international artists invented by Hembrey and curated by Calinda Salazar and Fletcher Ramsey. He enlisted the help of his family to create some of the art. He not only creates the art, but also completely invents the back story and inspirational history behind each artist. Hembrey's personal art is about nature and the imitation of natures forms. He also has focused on folk and faith healing as subject matter in his art, drawing from experiences from his grandfather who was a healer.


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