A Better Backpack

What if I was to tell you that someone has made a backpack that wouldn't only last you a lifetime, but also never go out of style? Sounds a bit far-fetched...but not completely. MIJLO is on a mission to create some simple, day-to-day essentials in a way that endures the test of time and helps out the environment as well. Welcome to MIJLO's Permanent Collection. The older I get the more I appreciate quality. I spend too much money on cheap things that don't last. So I  appreciate that the minimal pack (and MIJLO as a company) was born from the idea that "a product’s lifespan should be as timeless as its design". We live in a disposable era. Products aren't made to last anymore because companies find it cheaper to cut corners, and they want you to have to buy from them again down the road. Resulting in more waste and damage to the environment.So when there are companies that care enough to make a quality product, that isn't outrageously priced, that can also be recycled, I am going to be their customer for life. And now that they have a kickstarter campaign up for the Better Backpack, I have already pledged to pick one up myself. You should too! Go check it out here.


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