Woven Magazine Interview

When incredibly talented husband and wife team, Jeremy and Christi Barnes approached us about an interview for their new online magazine, Woven, we were more than honored. We knew the finished interview would be cool, but never in a million years did we think that the final result would be such a beautifully written and photographed piece that captured our essence as well as this feature did. After checking out all of Woven Magazine, we have realized that everything they do is done masterfully. We are so excited to share the interview with you and to spread the word about Woven.Jermey and Christi officially launched Woven Magazine just yesterday, but it is already full of impressive content. They both conduct the interviews, take the photographs, and write the content, and they each do it all extremely well. Using their talents, they created Woven: "Woven magazine exists to celebrate artists, craftsman, and makers alike to share their stories of fear and triumph, risk and return." Not only are they writers and photographers, but they also created the baking video featured above, with Jeremy writing the music, filming, and editing the piece, while Christi directed, acted, and did all of the baking for it. This dynamic duo is a force to be reckoned with. I can't wait to see what they publish next.To see more of their amazing work, check out Woven Magazine, and give them some love on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Go here to see the feature they did on Brave the Woods.


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