We're Moving!

We have exciting news over here at Brave the Woods: We're moving! That's right, we are packing up our lives in Boston and making the trek to Austin, Texas. We couldn't be more excited about this new stage and huge stepping stone for the studio. As part of the move, we have registered Brave the Woods as an LLC and made everything official. We have also made the decision to leave Arnold Worldwide, and make Brave the Woods a full-time gig. The time with Arnold and in Boston has been a wonderful experience, and we have loved the opportunities we have had here, but the time has come to move forward. Once in Austin, we will get to set up a full-functioning studio space (as opposed to a living room/multi-purpose space). We will show you progress here on the blog as we get everything set up. Making Brave the Woods a full-time gig means more time to take on client work and collaboration work, so if you have anything you would like to work on with us, let us know! Like I said, we are incredibly excited for this next stage in our lives, and we will try to keep you updated as we start the long drive and moving-in process at the end of the week. Bare with us and our fewer-than-usual posting and slower-than-usual responses...everything will be back to normal (or hopefully, even better than normal) soon.


We're Back!


The Many Uses of Moving Boxes