WAVE Campaign

It isn't news that cyclists and motorists don't always get along. We see a lot more waving with one finger than with all five. Why can't everyone just share the road and be nice? Our friends at The Butler Bros decided to do something about it, so they started Wave, a social good brand.For as friendly as the people are here in Austin, Texas, they seem to forget their manners when they get on the road. The Wave project is all about bringing attention to the fact that we are all sharing these roads, so why not be kind to those you share it with? To emphasize the point, the Wave project's slogan is simply, "Roll Nice." Going back to the basics, why not start with a friendly wave.We had the amazing opportunity to contribute to the project by designing one of the t-shirts for sale in the Wave shop. It was our way of supporting the project, and hopefully help make a way for others to contribute by purchasing and supporting the project.Take a look at their site and contribute by purchasing vinyl stickers or shirts from their shop, or by simply sharing the news via social sites. You can find them on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Roll nice y'all!


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