Typographic Chocolate

Who doesn't love a good bar of chocolate? Especially if that bar of chocolate looks as good as the typographic chocolate created by students Lisa-Marie Peters and Christian Pannicke at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin. This chocolate, made as a product idea for the Museum of Letters Berlin features typographic elements to celebrate the museum's devotion to preserving and documenting letterforms. I love chocolate as  much as the next person, and wouldn't mind picking up one of these as a souvenir of my museum trip...I just can't guarantee  it would last long.

Lisa-Marie Peters and Christian Pannicke Communication Designs students who worked under the direction of Prof. Jürgen Huber. The parameters of the project was to create a souvenir keepsake, make it easily reproducible and able to sell at a low price, and make it something that would reflect the mission of the museum. The typography was chosen to be independent of specific cultures, regions, languages and script systems.  "We designed an own chocolate mold, packaging and presentation in the museum shop. Our product is aimed at design-oriented museum visitors, who appreciate handcraft products," said Peters and Pannicke. For more information and further process pictures of the project, check here.


Zoo in my Hand


Russian Folk Painted Skulls