The Heroes of Folk by Scotty Reifsnyder

A couple of years ago, when we were preparing for the birth of our son, we started looking for art for his nursery. His nursery is a retro cowboy and indian theme so we wanted bright, colorful, and of course beautiful art to fit within that theme. Annie Oakley from The Heroes of Folk letterpress series by Scotty Reifsnyder fit the bill perfectly. Well, two moves later, and storing it in a safe place (so safe we couldn't remember), we just found it again and are so excited to hang it in the new nursery.The series consists of letterpressed cards of the most iconic heroes of folk stories including Paul Bunyan, Annie Oakley, John Henry, Mighty Casey, Rosie the Riveter, and Johnny Appleseed. They all have so many fun details that you discover something new every time you look at them. The letterpress quality is superb as well. Someday it would be awesome to own the whole series, but for now we love Annie Oakley. Learn  more about the series in an interview Scotty did about them here.


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