The Fox's Den by Zim & Zou

Window displays are supposed to catch the eyes of passerby's and bring them into the store. Some businesses try to do this with bright sale signs or their best products, but French manufacture Hermès hired Zim & Zou to create a different type of window display, sure to catch attention. This display, called The Fox's Den, is a beautiful hand-made art installation for the Hermès in Paseo de Gracià (Barcelona). We have featured French duo Zim & Zou (Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann) before for their SXSW Film Festival work, and like that piece, the painstaking attention to detail and overall aesthetic of The Fox's Den is nothing short of impressive.

 The craft in this display is incredible. Each object was made by hand from leather or paper, which is fitting since Hermès specializes in leather goods. Every little piece of the fox's body is made from cut pieces of leather, even down to the smallest details. I also love the juxtaposition of the fox living in such a well-furnished home; it reminds me of the film, Fantastic Mr. Fox, which had a similar effect. The orange and purple furnishing against the custom blue wallpaper brings such contrast to the display as a whole, making it one that would definitely get a double take.


Bspirit Illustrations by MUTI


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