One week until start of Lessons in Launching Your Creative Career: The Art of Self-Promotion

There is just one week left until the official start of our latest Skillshare class: Lessons in Launching Your Creative Career: The Art of Self-Promotion. Whether you are a creative just starting out, trying to land that first job, or you are ready to make the big leap and go solo, self-promotion is the key. You may have the best portfolio in the world, but if nobody knows it exists, it doesn't matter. Come join us in this class and get a step-b-y-step guide to self-promoting your work! Here are some details: After a few years of experimenting with self-promotion, we found a formula for launching our brand successfully. Brad's background in design and illustration, paired with Krystal's background in social media and professional writing, created the prefect storm, allowing us to start and run a successful design and illustration studio of our own. In this class I'll walk you through everything we learned along the way.What You'll LearnThis class is a step-by-step guide to the science behind effective self-promotion. For all you creatives, this means getting your work seen, gaining followers, connecting with the creative community, using social media to your advantage and creating a stronger portfolio and personal brand. Through a series of short video lessons, project steps and other resources, we'll cover:

  • Getting your website in order.
  • Making social media a business tool.
  • Professional writing and voice.
  • Reaching out and connecting.
  • Launching your brand.

What You'll DoYou'll prepare your personal brand for launch (or re-launch) by creating a self-promotional piece to send out to prospective clients and followers. This self-promo piece will be in whatever format is most effective for your work. Some examples may include a physical mailer, an e-blast, an invitation to an event, or a care package. This project is meant to showcase your work and gain momentum for your brand.Sign up with THIS link. 20% off Promo Code: LOOKATME


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