Morris & Essex Hand Printed Cards

There is just something about a handmade card that makes it that much more special to send to someone. Thats why I love to find beautiful cards to hold onto for just the right occasion. These hand-printed cards from Morris & Essex give anyone on card hunt more than enough awesome examples to choose from. Morris & Essex uses a variety of techniques such as silkscreen, letterpress, linocut block-printing, and hand-cut stamps to create the striking patterns and designs on cards.Morris & Essex is the work of Eliza Jane Curtis. She has been working on her unique prints since 1998 and creates lots of different hand-printed products like cards, t-shirts, bags, wallets, dish cloths and scarves. Curtis says she creates her products to make things that are valuable and last as opposed to our culture of disposable goods. She says "I love creating a world filled with pattern and color, turning my designs into useful products that serve a need and make someone happy, and that last for years and years."Check out her products on the Morris & Essex website or Etsy shop.


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