Mid-Century Modern Home: $11,250

Who wouldn't want a beautifully designed mid-century modern home for only $11, 250? The only downside: that was the cost in 1958. I seriously wish that this ad was current, but it fun to look at these blasts from the past. Our dream is to find a mid-century modern home and restore it to its former glory. The architecture is beautiful; open floor plans, so many textures, windows galore, and perfect for entertaining. These ads are so neat to look at because they have the house blueprints and even the landscaping blueprints included. Check out the zoomed in version of the ad, and a few other homes for sale at the same time period.If you want to see more ads like these, and other images from the 50's, check out tikitacky's Flikr photostream.


Stop Motion and Sign Painting


Pablo Lobato Character Illustration