Lettering By Liz

After being out of college for some time now, I find myself craving moments where I get to be a student again. Not often do those opportunities arrive, with working a full-time job and freelancing in all my spare time afterward. But the other week, my employer, Arnold Worldwide, decided to have local calligrapher, Liz Roessler, come in a teach a workshop! The class was excellent. In such a short amount of time, I didn't know how much I would realistically be able to take away from the workshop, but I was pleasantly surprised. Liz has been teaching herself how to hand letter since she was a young. And one glance at her effortless movements of her hand, as she creates these beautiful letter forms, is proof enough. Using acrylic based inks and low end calligraphy pens, she had us practice simple techniques that proved to be much harder than it looked. And I thought the cheap pens were something she just had us use because we didn't need anything fancy for just starting out. But apparently, she uses the same ones. Tools are sometimes just tools.Liz owns her own calligraphy company in Boston called Lettering by Liz. She teaches, of course, classes and can creates custom lettering for almost anything, including: wedding invites, signs, place cards, menus, maps, envelopes, you name it. Go check out more of her work here.


Angry Beer


Happy 4th of July