John Hockenberry: We are all designers

We are all designers. This is something I feel strongly about. Design is everywhere, and everything we do is designed. Whether we call ourselves artists or whether we feel we have no artistic capabilities, we are still designers.This TED talk from journalist John Hockenberry really got me to think what design is. Design is in every single aspect of this world. It is amazing how changing the design of something, changes everything. Hockenberry shares a few personal stories to get this point across. He says "acting with intent conveys authorship" and makes the point that doing things with intent and by design is human nature.I appreciate hearing about design from someone who is not a designer. It is a deep talk that definitely gets you thinking. Design has power beyond beauty. Design is way more that what we create in Illustrator or Photoshop. Design is intent, and is everything.


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A Trip to Austin, TX