Imagination as a Vocation: Jarrett J. Krosoczka TED Talk

Everyone has that one thing. That thing that gets you through hard times and school, and that you absolutly love. For me that was writing stories, and for Brad that was art. This TED talk is the story of Jarrett J. Krosoczka and how art and writing saved his life and he was able to make his "imagination his vocation."I love his story of how despite some pretty big obstacles, Krosoczka never gave up on what he loved and was fortunate enough to have teachers and grandparents in his life to encourage him. Krosoczka had a mentor who said to him "forget everything you learned...celebrate your own style, don't draw the way you are being told to draw, draw the way YOU draw and keep at it." I feel like that is advice for all creatives "celebrate your own style" and overall don't give up on doing what you love. Jarrett J. Krosoczka is a children's book writer and illustrator, and now movie producer.


Lessons in Launching Your Creative Career: The Art of Self-Promotion


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