Illustrator Masako Kubo

The other night I was sucked down the endless caverns of Pinterest when I realized I was pinning a lot of this gal's work. Masako Kubo is an illustrator who works out of Japan and New Zealand. What kept me gravitating towards her images was the amazing, printed quality and wonderfully harmonious color choices. It took me a while to recognize that I was pinning so much of her work, because it takes on so many forms. It could be a map, book cover, print, card, etc.While digging around on her site I discovered something really neat about her process. On a bulk of her pieces you see all the pencil sketching underneath the beautiful colors. She actually creates stencils of her blocks of colors and uses a brayer to apply the paint over her sketches. I love the amount of skill and craft her works requires. And the results are evidence of her talent. See more of her work here. 


Friday Likes


Beautifully complex woodblock prints of Morimura Ray