Function Trumps Form in iOS 7

Normally I don't really hit on tech topics, but with all this iOS 7 news, and me owning an iPhone, I do have some opinions on the matter. And it is glaringly apparent that I am not alone. My Twitter feed has been exploding with downer comments about the flat design, icons, typography, the change in general, etc.  My thoughts are this...First off, don't knock it until you have tried it. Every time there is change, naturally there will be opposition. It is easy to complain about something you haven't experienced. Like a new pair of shoes, you have to wear them a bit to see how they fit, how they look. Walk around and give them a test drive, then come back with your comments.That being said, I have no idea how I am going to like it. Though from what I am seeing, I like the progressive thinking behind the aims for improved functionality and a less interruptive experience. I'm not sure if I am completely sold on the new aesthetics, especially in some of the icons. It seems that styles are kind of all over the place. I am happy to see the move toward flat design over the current skeuomorphism, but I think there are some disconnects in the overall design aesthetic.With all that being said, I think I will enjoy using iOS 7. It will definitely take some getting used to for sure. And Apple will most likely need to make some adjustments along the way. The colors and icons might bug me a bit initially, but so would the current ones if they were newly introduced to me now. To me, my phone is a tool, so function is king. And for that reason I am excited to try out iOS 7.


It's the little things: Illustrations by Ryo Takemasa


Pet Illustrations by Agata Dudek