End of Summer News
I'm sure by now you are wondering where we have been all summer with our sporadic posting. This was one of the craziest summers for Brave the Woods. Between moving, taking a big family trip, having a new baby, and starting a major renovation of the studio, we have been more than busy this summer.With the change of seasons and the start of fall, things are starting to get back to normal around here and we are getting back into our groove. Look forward to your regularly scheduled programing here on the Brave Blog again. Also keep an eye open for Brave News and some sales and new merch in the shop: Brave Outpost.To kick things off, we wanted to introduce you to the newest lil' Braver of the Woods: Oakley. You could say she is one of the most awesome things we've created.
We also wanted to give you a little progress shot on the studio renovation. It is going from super creepy, to bright and beautiful right before our eyes. Follow along on our Instagram and Facebook for more renovation progress shots.