Burning Questions with James Victore

Last week I had the great pleasure of meeting James Victore after one his lectures here in Austin. I am always happy when people as talented and well-known as James, can be so down to earth and willing to chat with me. Great guy who tells you how it is. He doesn't mince words and gives you the truth. And that is what makes him the perfect teacher for us creatives who harbor every excuse in the book. Looking for some sweet words of wisdom that might make you feel bad about yourself, but still somehow leaving you inspired? Check out James Victore's You Tube channel, Burning Questions. Accepting questions from anyone, creatives send him questions and he answers them in a short, 5 minute video each week. Just what you need to start your week off on the right foot. Subscribe to his channel here.


Week One Recap of Tatay's Gift


Charlie Lewis Illustration