50 Tattoos of 50 Names

Typically one doesn't get tattooed with the name of a person they do not know. But  Zlatan Ibrahimović, striker for the Paris Saint-German football team, got 50 tattoos of people's names he didn't know.  Those 50 names were of some of the 805 million people suffering from hunger in the world today.This was a collaboration with the World Food Programme, in efforts to raise awareness to those millions of people who are suffering from hunger and malnutrition around the world. And since they don't always get the spotlight, Zlatan gave those suffering a platform by tattooing some of the names to his body and showing them off during game on February 14th of this year.Something else that really impressed me, was the level of skill in the lettering of the names. Take a look at the beautiful hand lettering of the names by Alexis TYRSA and Martin Schmetzer. Two radically different styles, both incredible well rendered.Anytime art and good causes collaborate, I can't help but share them. As creatives, we can be such powerful tools for change. Look for chances to use your skills to do good!


Skulls Carved Out of Geodes, Druse and Gemstones


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