Say what you will about iPhone camera apps and all their hipster filters, but not everyone is complaining. Timo Meyer, an artist based in Germany, took on a neat personal project using only Instagram and VSCO Cam (no Photoshop). The natural restrictions of his tools led him to some pretty intriguing photographs that made me look twice. His project is explained through the title: 100 Days, 100 Pictures. Naturally some turned out more interesting than others, but it is quite the collection. My interest in the series is not necessarily in the quality of the images, but in the concepts. As an artist, this project is an excellent exercise to open your eyes to what is around you. Finding what makes the ordinary special is a talent. We have the best job in the world. We get to point out to everyone everything they are missing all around them, everyday. So thanks Timo, for re-inspiring me to see something interesting everyday.Below are just a taste of Timo's full project. See all the images here.


John Cleese: A Lecture on Creativity.


Fingerprint Animals Animation